Contest Analysis

Along with our Contest Scores page, we also share our analysis grid maps that allow us to analyze location and QSO density of the stations we are working on the various VHF, UHF and microwave bands. Each contest analysis album contains a contest and year and associated grid maps for the bands above 50 MHz K8GP operated. These show the entire distribution of QSOs across grids for the entire weekend. Also shared within these albums are several grids maps containing data derived from our logs and public data. These grid maps tally and display all active hams for known VHF, UHF and microwave stations, as well as all stations worked by K8GP over 10 years. Using post contest data maps and these cumulative maps in turn we can determine what areas of the country we are unable to work and/or need to concentrate on working.

Finally, is June 2007 we took the band grid map per weekend concept and broke them down into hourly totals and display each hour on its own map. For a single band we came up with 33 maps, one for each of the 33 hours of the contest. These were strung together to form 33 second animated grid maps of the 33 hours, for each of the bands K8GP worked in the contest. In turn these display what parts of the country we contacted per hour.

These maps were created by Andy K1RA using public VHF data, VHF station logs and home grown PERL scripts employing the AZ_PROJ postscript scripts.